Work it Out in the Kitchen


The kitchen is a place where you can put your culinary creativity to work, whipping up tasty meals. Whether you use your kitchen solely for cooking or for family/friends gathering, there are always ways to spice things up and I have the perfect solution for you. Some people like DIY projects, while others prefer to hire a professional interior decorator to put the work that they have imagined into reality. Either way you choose, there are many home décor places and manufactures that are there to help you make things hotter in the kitchen.

I’ve found five simple ways to make you love your kitchen all over again and not just tolerate it. First, we all know lightening is so important when it comes to the perfect selfie, but did you know it’s also important when it comes to setting the tone in your kitchen. You don’t have to worry about cost because you can find lights for $20 or less at your local home improvement store. Just work  it out in the kitchen. Then next, add a stylish rug, something colorful, vibrant and funky. Believe it or not adding a small rug in your kitchen makes a big difference and it helps to cover up any ugly original flooring. Something so small yet so simple and makes all the difference is changing out your knobs on your cabinets. Updating your old knobs with a more modern or decorative style can really transform the look of your cabinets. Let’s not forget your dish rack, how many times have you look at your dish rack wondering how did it get worn out so fast. Wooden dish racks are nice to look at, however they may not be the best to have when it comes to putting wet dishes to set and dry. Try a nice heavy duty dish rack, this will come in handy especially for people who do not have a dishwasher. Lastly, don’t forget to update you dish ware. Having dull, old , dingy plates can really bring the kitchen scenery down. Replace the old plates with some new stainless steel ones. They look better and they’re guaranteed to last longer.

Remember your kitchen doesn’t have to just be another room in the house, it can be the room that everyone enjoys to go in and most importantly enjoy good food. If you’re wondering what’s a good manufacturer to use when it comes to your kitchenware you can always count on Kitchen Aid, very durable and affordable. So the next time you want to work it out in the kitchen and make it hot just remember these simple tricks that will get the job done.

The Kimmy Nicole



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