Things you should know about a kidney condition


First Lady, Melania Trump underwent surgery due to a benign kidney condition according to multiple news reports. The White House released a statement saying the procedure was successful with no complications. Trump will likely remain in the hospital for the duration of the week. The main question everyone wants to know is what caused her Kidney condition and why did she have to undergo embolization? Many speculations have been circulating, but no other comments from the White House have been released yet.

Accoring to Florida urologic surgeon, Jamin Brahmbhatt “The most likely culprit is a non-cancerous growth called an angiomyolipoma. It’s made up of fat, abnormal blood vessels and smooth muscle. A second possibility is a blood vessel abnormality called an arteriovenous malformation.  A less likely culprit is a cyst, since it typically would not be treated with embolization.”

This kidney condition can be discovered by visiting your doctor and receiving an MRI, CT scans or X-rays done for other reasons. However, it is not uncommon for some people to have symptoms such as pain the flank or blood in the urine when a benign tumor becomes enlarged. This condition can also lead to high blood pressure. It is noted that woman are more likely to get this condition than men and about 20% of patients have a family medical history of benign kidney condition.

The best way to care for any kidney condition that has a potential threat to you health is to go be seen by your doctor. We are naturally born with two kidneys, but it is not uncommon for a person to live their life with one if need be. The kidney is a very important organ in the body as it is the filter for the blood to rid of waste and toxins that enter the body through urine. Not taking a kidney condition seriously can lead to life threatening complications and possible death.

If you’ve ever experience any of the symptoms listed above it is imperative that you schedule an appointment with your physician, early detection can prevent a life long series of complications.

~The Kimmy Nicole



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