Realistic body goals like Mo’nique

It is summertime, which means tis’ the season to snap ALL the way back! It sounds a lot easier than it said, I know, but it is definitely not impossible. Always remember to trust the process. Patience is key.
Comedian and actress Mo’Nique, 51, is the epitome of patience. Mo’Nique started her weight loss journey back in November of 2013. Her husband was the reason why she abruptly began her transformation. “When my husband asked me about my weight, I answered him and he said, ‘That’s too much weight. I want you around for a lifetime, and that is not healthy.’” This statement made her feel more love than she has ever felt before, which motivated herself as well as her fans to reach their fitness goals and to live a healthier lifestyle. After about 7 months of consistent lifting, cardio, and other various physical activities, the star was able to drop 80 lbs  Fast forwarding to 2018, she revealed to the public that for the first time in her adult life, she weighed below 200 lbs! Mo’Nique, since then, has continued to stay on her grind to not only reach her body goals, but to live and promote healthy living. On July 3rd, 2019, she posted an inspiring raw video of herself drenched in sweat after finishing a brutal run and pleaded with fans to follow along.
We all have our moments of insecurity and doubt during our weight loss/ body goal journey; especially when we are doing everything right: drinking water, eating healthy, regular exercising, etc. The key to weight loss/body goals is yes, do the basics, but also, to be more realistic with ourselves. Here are three beneficial tips:
  1. DO NOT COMPARE YOUR JOURNEY TO SOMEONE ELSE’S! Everyone’s body looks the same on the inside, but operates differently. If you have a slow metabolism, it is okay! It may take a little longer to get to where you want to be, but remember, anything is possible.
  2. ESTABLISH YOUR GOALS. Do you want to gain? Lose? Tone? Etc.? If you know what kind of result you want, research according to your body type, or visit a certified nutritionist for more detailed instruction on what your body truly needs.
  3. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. These will be some of the most difficult months of your life. Never quit, and don’t lose hope. It will come in due time!


Naomi 🙂



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