Ways to keep off the Freshman 15


Freshman 15“…Ways to keep it off!

It’s that time of the year again, back to school! However, this year’s back to school for you means your first year in college. You’re excited to start this new journey in your life. Your things are all packed and you are ready to settle into your new room, meet new friends, and well let’s be honest…party! You’ve heard all of the “don’t dos” and what to watch out for since you’re finally going to be on your own, but have you been warned about the “freshman 15?” If not, I’m here to help you avoid it by all means necessary. While there are many things a college student has to worry about during their first year, staying healthy shouldn’t be one of them. Fortunately, the freshman 15 is an old myth. While it is a fact that you will inevitably gain weight during your first year of college, you will also gain weight afterwards. Luckily for you, there are ways to avoid the non healthy calories.

Here are three ways to get a healthy jump start into your first year of college to keep off the freshman 15:
1. Be prepared. I know you’ve heard this one to many times, but it’s true. Many freshman decide to leave the nest and this can bring about a ton of different emotions. Believe it or not emotions play a huge part in maintaining a healthy diet. Health studies proves that stress, anxiety, and homesickness can all lead to overeating or binge eating. This is why being prepared for those rollercoaster of emotions is so important. When you find yourself reaching for a snack, ask yourself are you eating out of boredom or soothing yourself with food. A healthy way to overcome these different emotions is by taking a break from the tedious studying and go talk hang out with some friends or even call up a family member and have a chat.
2. Don’t Skip Breakfast. You’ve been told this your whole life, this is the most important meal of the day. So now that you’re on your own it may difficult to remember to make yourself some breakfast. In college there is no one there to remind you to eat your wheaties. Breakfast wakes up the metabolism and provides energy to the brain and muscles for the day’s activities. Health expert Kristi King says those who eat breakfast tend to eat less food throughout the day. As a college student your time may be limited to making a full breakfast, however some on-the-go meals you can use include hard boiled eggs and fruits, whole-grain toast with jelly or peanut butter, granola bars and fruit or even a tasty green smoothie.
3.Lastly but definitely not the least important…don’t drink calories! This may be one of the most important tips for a person entering the college lifestyle. Drinking alcohol is going to be one of the fastest ways you can gain that extra 15 pounds of unwanted weight. Unfortunately, for college students it seems that alcohol is readily available almost everywhere they go. Unless, you’re one of the very few who despise the taste of alcohol, you will most likely have a cup or two. When drinking, try alternating a glass of wine for hard liquor. Your alcohol in take will be less and fewer calories will be stored. Also, to minimize the amount of alcohol you could be possibly taking in, remember to eat before going out. Research has shown that food slows down the absorption of alcohol.

Starting your collegiate career may be a scary feeling but it doesn’t have to be an unhealthy one. Hopefully these tips will help you get the ball rolling on a great first year!!!

The Kimmy Nicole



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