How to drive your financial vehicle


What’s the best thing about knowing what you are doing?

The first time you step into a go-cart and hit the gas is a little uneasy. You are thinking; man will I get hurt if I crash, can I actually go so fast that I could crash, why is it so hard to steer?…

But as time goes by and you are driving this mini seat with wheels and bumpers you start to relax and have a little fun. You try so moves, start passing your friends and start taking those turns way better than when you started. It didn’t take you long before you were able to figure it out. Well… its either that or watch all your friends and family that came with you lap you the whole time. Even your nephew who’s  15 years old and seems to be good at everything he does for a kid his age… lol

This scenario is awesome because your life is kind of the same way. If you don’t make the decision to get in the race everyone is going to pass you by, including your nephew. One of the differences in life however, is that you don’t have to figure out everything out by yourself. And being in the financial driver’s seat is the perfect example.

It takes making a decision to be successful at it and learning how to drive your financial vehicle to win the race. One key about driving your financial car that you can have help, training and expert coaching so that you can get better at it and beat the competition.

Knowledge is key in driving your financial car so here is a concept for you to know about when it comes to becoming and expert financial driver.

A ROTH IRA is an Individual Retirement Account that allows a person to save after tax dollars every year up to a certain amount. You can withdraw this money after you turn age 59 and a half without any tax penalties. This is great because you don’t want to have to pay taxes on money that you already paid tax on. That makes no sense.

  • You can start a Roth IRA whenever you want so you don’t have to wait until you are 50 or ready to retire to start thinking about saving and investing.
  • You can also gain returns on your money while it’s in a ROTH IRA so that your money can work for you.

There are great things to be learned when you make the decision to become a financial driver but there are also great rewards. Starting early gives you an edge and a chance to come out on top and win the race you are competing in.

To get information on the right kind of Investing, how to find a financial coach, TIPS on money, Creating a budget, Saving, improving your Credit Score and ways to find out how you can start planning for early retirement, make additional income and get Financial Information and contact a Financial Coach leave a comment and we will be happy to help you.

Happy Friday!!

See you next week



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