Leap into spring foods


Don’t stroll, don’t walk, and never mind taking a short cut. Just LEAP out of this month’s crazy ass weather days and into the glorious ever-welcoming March.

So what’s really really good cavers? ….Spring! Yeaaa. It’s that time. 3 more weeks, 21 days, 504 hours! Ok, maybe the hours is taking it too far lol.

Let’s leap into spring food thoughts. For instance, after some spring meditating, workouts outside, and fitting in healthy activities, there are quite a few ways to keep that momentum going. It’s leap day, damn it. Stop reading memes about the day and make it actually count towards your 2016 goals.

Keep this in mind. Your day consists of a physical activity, let’s say, running a race. Now to reach the finish line, your checkered flag is a complete meal. Close your eyes and get that mindset ready. Today, I’ll keep it light for spring and throw together a meal that will minimize bloating, yet can enable that checkered flag finish.

Veggie burgers and wontons. Keep it simple, keep it good for the heart, and always easy on the pocketbook.

4 main items that keep this meal filling and light.

1 serving of your most fave store-bought veggie burgers.

Store bought wonton wrappers

Steamed mixed vegetables

Corn salsa

Steam your veggies and lightly season them. Grab Wonton wrappers and fill each wrapper with just enough veggies. Close the wrapper and place to the side. When all are filled, just steam for a few mins.

Place wontons along side of veggie burgers. Once together, you may top with corn salsa.

It has enough protein, fiber, and carbs to allow for easy digestion and help you last through the afternoon.

Get ramped up for spring because it’s almost here and it will sneak right by.

Bam, Boom, and Voilá !

Comment as you see fit and stay tuned next Monday for diabetes tips and recipes.

Thanks for following.




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