Lighthearted breakfast


If you’re looking for something light to put in your tummy early in the morning here is the perfect bet for you. I know sometimes you can wake up early in the morning and just can’t seem to want any food in your tummy. The body is still in sleep mode and just isn’t quite ready for food.

So we found a little nook spot in Brooklyn that has the best lighthearted breakfast on the go. Café Iris Ion in Brooklyn New York has made it’s mark for the local hipsters in need of a quick bite.  It is a quaint space and we found the perfect meal for you to eat while grabbing something light.

Take two pieces of whole wheat toast with light or low-fat ricotta cheese. Top the cheese with Pecans, walnuts, or any type of nut for your protein. Drop a nice bundle of fresh blueberries on your plate and Voila! Blueberries are absolutely great for brain power with a low sugar count. The thing we love about this recipe here is that it’s super simple to make at home. The last thing you want to do is drizzle some honey on the top of your nuts of choice. Honey contains all sorts of healthy benefits such as weight management, natural energy, antioxidants, and great for a natural cough syrup.


You can always take a minute to swing by the café in Brooklyn or try it at home. It’s a great lighthearted snack for those who aren’t quite breakfast people. Would love to know what you think so add your comment below!



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