Mya Talks the Vegan Lifestyle



Grammy Award singer Mya talks about her new found lifestyle. In a new Peta Campaign, Mya explains how going vegan was the right choice for her. She talks about the positive gains she has seen since making the transition 3 years ago. Along with taking in more vegetables, she is no longer anemic and has lost 30 lbs. She even jokes about how she doesn’t have to go to the gym as much. Being a vegan can be very beneficial to your lifestyle, as we’ve seen with Mya, but what most people want to know is how to make the hard decision to leave meat and diary products alone.

Any vegan can tell you it’s not an easy transition. However once you start the research and really see what is entering into your body by eating meats, including fish, you may consider the vegan lifestyle. Not only will becoming a vegan change your eating habits, it will also change your appearance. Many vegans that I have spoken with say they feel ten times better then when they were eating meats. Their face is clearer, free from acne, their body feels lighter and their energy levels is higher.

Don’t get discouraged if you’re not ready to take the leap just yet. This is a lifestyle change, so it may take a while. Some people start off by becoming a vegetarian and then switching to pure vegan. Just like with any life long habit, it’ll take time. The most important thing to remember is to ask yourself “how will this affect me?”


The Kimmy Nicole



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