Rekindling love


Have you ever gone through a break up asked yourself, “what if he was the one?” or wondered if you both will rekindle the relationship in the near future? Yes, it is true, breakups happen for a reason, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have reached the end of the road. Sometimes breakups happen due to one thriving to grow as an individual or simply because some growth needs to be made within yourself and/or your partner. These negative reasons can actually turn into a positive if you dream of reconciliation later on.
Some of our most loved couples in Hollywood broke up before officially becoming our couple goals: from the amazing Chrissy Teigen, model, and John Legend, singer all the way to our royals Prince William and Kate Middleton. I guess you can once say both couples have truly lived the life of Romeo and Juliet (minus the violence, of course!). Prince William revisits the past as he speaks about his short split with his other half. “It was very much trying to find our own way and we were growing up so it was just a bit of space, and it worked out for the better.”
Now, before you act upon your horoscope and hit him up with the ‘hey, big head’ text, think about the relationship as a whole, and the reason as to why it didn’t work in the first place. Also, how did he treat you? How did he make you feel? The best way to figure out if its worth coming back together is:
1. Make a pro/con list. If the cons outweigh the pros, you already know.
2. Was there cheating involved? This is YOUR own personal choice to move past the infidelity.
3. Ask yourself if the kind of person you have both transformed into will mesh will if you both decide to get back together.

Rekindling love is a beautiful thing because it showcases the growth in one another and/or it will show you what may not be best for you. If it doesn’t work out the second time around, don’t give up hope. The right man is out there for you!



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