Spark your addiction


Are you addicted to Indoor Cycling?

I consider myself a ‘cardioholic’. I love indoor cycling because of the adrenaline rush. I can go into the indoor cycling room in the worst mood and after a class I’ll be singing in the car on the way home. There is something about being on the bike and pushing yourself to exhaustion that is therapeutic and soul cleansing. I love snapping my shoes into my petals, pumping up the music, and zoning out and enjoying the ride. You leave everything behind at the indoor cycling studio door. For that 45 minutes I am Spin Guru! Nothing else. This is what I want my clients to experience. So let’s spark your addiction.

My love affair with indoor cycling started in 2005. I remember taking my first class and thinking, “this is crazy! But an exhilarating ride!” I was addicted. I started regularly taking 5-10 indoor cycling classes weekly. One day I showed up for class and the instructor had not shown up, so I approached the management of the gym and asked to step in. The class went well and the gym asked me to instruct my own class on a regular basis.

I began incorporating sexy & cool choreographed dance movements into my indoor cycling routine. We pump up the music and dance to the beat! I think that if you make it fun and keep it sexy people will come back for more.

No other cardio workout comes close to the caloric burn that indoor cycling does. I use lunges, jumps, tension climbs in and out of the saddles while incorporating a lot of intervals and sprinting in and out of the saddle.

Indoor cycling creates lean, sexy legs and booty…no bulk here…lol.

I have always had a go hard or go home type of mentality. I enjoy being competitive and having a strict discipline and healthy diet keeps me ready in all aspects of life. Listen to those signals that your body gives you. I try and use the same type of method when teaching classes.

It all boils down to Health, Heart & Pocketbook.

As always, thanks for hanging out and see ya next time.

Facebook/IG/Twitter: Artiesuniverse



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