Weight no more during the holidays


I don’t know about you but I look forward to the holiday’s spending time with family and friends however, one thing I know that it is hard for many people to go to the gym. For some people they start gaining weight and by the time you realize it’s January 1st, you’ve gained all of this weight.

The holidays are the time of the year when it is a challenge to focus on fitness. We have extra activities which that means more opportunities for eating and drinking. Most of us are on the go around the holidays, which means little time for working out. But, do not worry I have some ideas to keep you in shape for the holidays. Weight no more during the holidays!

Food Choice: I know it’s the holidays and you want to treat yourself but, be aware of your food choices. Try to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Beware of dressings and sauces always get them on the side. Remember it’s the little things that count.

Alcohol Choice: I love me a good ole cocktail but, do you know how much calories you are drinking? Be aware of your alcohol choices, stay away from sugary drinks and soda. Stick to fresh lime and or just drink it straight!

Sleep: Sleep is important for repair, growth, and less stressing. People sleep better on the holidays because they are away from their day to day work stress. The holidays are the perfect time to catch up on some well earned rest and a daily nap!

Water: Stay hydrated! Always keep a two water bottles next to you and sip through it during the day – don’t rely on being thirsty. If you’re having evening drinks always, get some water as a side order. Our body is 60% water so keep it hydrated, you will feel better in the morning!

Stay Active: I know working out during the holidays is hard but, try to be creative and work out with your family and friends! Go for walk or a run for 12-15 minute. A workout before breakfast start your metabolism!

Finally, do not forget to find sometime for yourself! You can focus on your diet and exercise, so you won’t pack on extra pounds during the holiday.But it is important to self-reflect and de-stress during the holidays! Make time and space for yourself. It’s okay to say NO!




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