Avoid financial loss with life insurance


How Does Life Insurance Work

The great thing about life insurance is that it is very simple.

So today you will get very simple and applicable tips about life insurance that will help you make an educated decision on coverage for you, your family or both.

The simple fact is that you all need life insurance. The reason you need life insurance is that today while you are young you have high debt, maybe kids and some debt. If anything happened to you today you would create a financial loss without a PLAN to take care of things like funeral costs and any debtors that may need to be paid.

The great thing is that life insurance is simply a very affordable way to protect you and your family and loved ones from the devastation of loss. Because the reality is that if you pass you don’t just leave behind great memories you leave behind everything, including the things and people you still owe. And yea, that may include your uncle Bud that you borrowed 40 grand from to start up that surf shop and beauty salon a couple of years back.

Now most people don’t get life insurance because of one of three reasons:

  1. They don’t understand it
  2. They don’t think they can afford it or;
  3. They never got around to getting it

Another thing to know is that having life insurance outside of your job it key. Most employers offer one maybe two times an employee’s income which is not substantial enough to cover lose over a life time. Not to mention that in these times your job is more likely to quit you than for you to quit them which also will mean your Life insurance coverage goes as well. So make sure you OWN your own coverage and that your employer doesn’t own it for you.

Another Tip to be aware of is the correct type of Life Insurance. Term insurance which covers you at a low cost with a high amount of coverage is the best coverage to have.

Not all types of Term insurance are good term so for assistance on finding the right Term Insurance leave a comment.

I hope you learned a lot today and ladies make sure you get those macho men of yours to get coverage for your family. Being young doesn’t make you bullet proof.


September is also Life Insurance month. So for affordable ways to find out how you can get coverage for your family right away leave a comment and we will be happy to help you.

Happy Friday!!

See you next week




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