Balance your romance and money issues


Ok…So this is a huge topic for discussion. Money affects your lives in many ways but one of the most important things it can affect is your relationship. Money or the lack there of, can sometimes make or break a relationship.

Fact is that when it comes to relationships money is one of the top reasons for demise of many. Let’s face it when there is a money problem in a relationship there is a lot of stress and tension that follows it. The faster you get to talking about money in a relationship the better it is for you in the long term because you are open with each other about finances.

And Fellas, if there is a sign of trouble this is not the time when you macho up and do the “I GOT IT” routine where you decide to go it on your own to “FIX” everything and show how much of a man you are. This usually equates to her going to bed mad at you and you know this classic scenario can suck the “Romance” right out of a relationship. So don’t do it!!!

To keep the harmony and the romance in balance when it comes to money here are some simple tips.

  • Talk about finances to each other

Talk with each other about your debt, cash flow, long-term goals and short-term goals and dreams. Even if you don’t see eye to eye on everything you will at least be on the same page moving forward in the relationship.

  • Share bills in the relationship

Sharing bills gives you both some skin in the game and it also gives you a sense of worth in the relationship. Each of you are now obligated to making sure that you maintain your responsible roles to ensure that everything goes smoothly. And again if an issue should arise where one of you may foresee a problem maintaining it’s good to sit and talk and develop a game plan to attack the issue together.

  • Keep debt separate

By keeping debt separate will definitely easy much of the tension in your relationship if there is any so that you don’t have any issues if you split up later. You do not want to be each other’s burden during or after a relationship has dissolved.

  • No Macho Man

Yep… fellas this one is for you. The macho man usually comes out when a the guy in the relationship is uncomfortable talking about finances because he thinks it might make him look weak or bad to admit that he has a problem. Fellas…”GET OVER IT!” The faster you can talk about the money issue and get a plan in place together to compensate for any imbalances the faster you can get back to enjoying the relationship and not have her go to bed pissed off at you. Lol! Oh and you “independent ladies” out there you are not exempt either… don’t “independence” you way out of a good relationship because you don’t feel comfortable laying all your cards on the table. You can don’t have to disclose everything but disclose enough to keep the balance and harmony intact.

For TIPS on Home Buying, Creating a joint budget, Saving, improving your Credit Score and ways to find out how you can get rid of your debt quickly, make additional income and get Financial Information and contact a Financial Coach leave a comment and we will be happy to help you.

Happy Friday!!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Weekend!

See you next week



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