Gear up for Flu season


The seasons are changing again and that means different temperatures. The cool breeze will be falling in soon and you’ll want to be prepared. Seasons changing from hot to cool can also mean its time for the ill-liked flu season. You don’t have to get caught in that ugly battle if you are well prepared. For those who live in the warmer climate states, you may not notice the difference as soon as the northerners will, but we have some ways to make sure everyone stays healthy and free of the flu.

Flu season is one that many dread because it happens so suddenly. To make sure you can continue on your fitness journey as the cool temps come in, you want to first make sure your are ready.

1. If you love the out doors, dress accordingly. Instead of wearing the cute runner shorts and tank top, switch to cute work out leggings/joggers and wear a light jacket. It will still be comfortable, yet more suitable to protect you from the weather changes. Health experts suggest at least three layers of clothing if possible.

2. Along with appropriate clothing, you want to always stay hydrated. Although it may seem as if the hotter months are more appropriate for eight glasses of ice cold water a day, the fall season is just as important. When working out in any season, staying hydrated is key. Not only will it keep your blood pumping, but it’ll help flush out all of the toxins that causes the flu, out of your body.

3. Food matters. Eating the right foods is always suggested when it comes to a healthy diet. When the season changes, oddly enough our taste buds does too. To maintain a healthy diet to prevent flu like symptoms, you have to be consistent with eating the right foods. One of the main vitamins recommended is your daily dose of Vitamin C. Drink a glass of OJ in the morning with your breakfast, or take an orange to work with you as your snack.

There are many ways to transition into the new season while working out and continuing to stay healthy. If you feel even an inkling of cold coming on, no worries just sweat it out. Working it out is one of the best ways to get rid of a cold that could possibly turn into the dreadful flu. Put on layers of clothing, drink plenty of fluid and get to working.



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