Ways to avoid bloating


Let’s admit it, the feeling of a bloated stomach is miserable. It makes us feel like we over ate or even worse, it makes us feel as if all the work out we’ve done goes unnoticed. Surprisingly enough a bloated mid section doesn’t just come from overeating. Some of your favorite foods to even those fat-free recipes can cause that very same bloat you’re trying to get rid of. No worries, below are five ways to avoid bloating
#1. Say no to lactose. Just because you’re not lactose intolerant doesn’t mean you’re free from the dairy disasters. According to recent research, almost half of the human population has a difficult time digesting lactose. However, if you’re a love of dairy products then consider swapping. For example try to almond milk instead of your regular milk. If that doesn’t work, try taking a probiotic pill to ease your digestive system.
#2.Diet foods blow you up! Believe it or not, foods and drinks labeled ‘fat free’ or “sugar free” can do the total opposite of what you think. These types of food contain sugar substitutes that make it terribly difficult for your intestines to digest. Anything that cause the digestive flow to be slow causes bloat. Consider staying away from the “diet” foods if it contains sugar substitutes.
#3. Sodas are not alone. If you’ve ever thought when you stop drinking soda you will get rid of the bloating, think again. Research has proven that sipping drinks through a straw causes massive bloat. The air that travels through the straw gets trapped in your stomach, small bowel, and colon and produces bloat and gas.
#4. Get Moving. It is said, the more physical activity you do during the day the better your chances of staying fit and healthy. But did you know staying seated the majority of your day can cause back up. Yes, according to medical expert staying seated all day can cause bloating as well as constipation. The best fix for this is get up and move around through out the day. If you work in an office, make it a habit of getting up at least three times a day.
#5. Lemon and Hot Water. Yes, this sounds familiar as the singer Rihanna mentions this in one of her latest songs. Guess what, it works! You don’t have to be a big time celebrity to use these techniques to rid of bloat. Mixing hot water with Lemon
reduces the chances of bloat. Experts say the lemon water acts as a diuretic and water keep you hydrated. In the long run its good for the digestive system flow. Don’t get so caught up in your stomach looking extra big or feeling stuffed. Remember these five suggestion the next time you’re fixing a meal. On a good note, bloating is only temporary essentially air billed up in your stomach. It’ll work itself out…literally!

The Kimmy Nicole



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