Gearing up for a roadrace


Gearing up for the Peachtree Road race which is a 6 mile race is not easy especially when you’re trying to get your snap back. The best thing to do is dive right into it, which is what I did this week. We jumped right in on Sunday. No wasting time, no waiting until Monday, just diving right in. ADarryl put together A super cool high intensity workout for me this week since it is the fourth week, we have to take it up a notch. High knees, Burpee’s and squats….you could only imagine. I think taking the body up a level gives you an opportunity to expand your muscles the way they should be. Strengthening muscles and Core are my main focus as I gear up for the race. Leg strength is very important and running on concrete also has been imperative. Just like last week my husband and I have been hitting the pavement pretty hard every single day. We have only been focusing on about 2 to 3 miles a day however it has been every day. Sprinting on the treadmill helps my breathing and also pacing. When you’re running in a road race you definitely want to maximize and get control of your pacing. It is crucial that you have the right pacing otherwise you can run out of breath pretty quickly. The exercise of me on the treadmill running and doing some vocal work really is helping my breathing.

Aside from helping out with my voice for editing commercials and recording them, it really helps with breathing which is the overall base of presenting great vocal material. Even if you are not pursuing a career which uses your voice, the vocal training is phenomenal because you are learning your breathing habits. This pushes your work out to the next level when you have to talk, use your breath, and or sing. Most performers like Beyoncé, Rihanna, Jlo or Janet are singing and dancing at the same time. So why can’t we train the same way. If they are successful, have great bodies, and amazing voices, then why can’t we be the same. No I’m not saying that you are going to be the next Beyoncé but I am saying that why can’t we train like her. Are you taking Sundays and weekends off? If not what are you doing to keep your core and body going?





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