Get fit with your friends


Want to hang out with friends and get fit too! Don’t cancel a girls day for a leg day. Combine the two! Getting toned and tight is better with friends, she can make up for that lack of motivation you’ve been needing. Staying hot and healthy has never been more imperative, but its also essential to have healthy relationships. You’ll have more fun burning calories, and more time to connect with your friend.

Something to look forward to, is that working out with a friend keeps you pushing further out your comfort zone, it also increases the intensity of the workout session. It is shown that nearly 70% of people who workout with a friend, spouse, or partner were still motivated to workout at least once a week. The ones who did it alone, only a quarter continued to be active. Who says you have to get in the zone alone. A good friend who not only parties, shops, but squats with you too, is a best friend. You have that someone who you can rely on to tell you when your making good progress, or slacking off. Someone to help keep you positive when your feeling tired or discouraged. Your very own personal motivator who you feel most comfortable to sweat with.

Another perk of working out with friends, is that both of guys get to test your limits. You’ll have someone who is a team player, but also a competitor. You both will push yourselves further. Overall, having a spotter, personal motivator, live fitness tracker, and best friend all in one will more than surely keep you invested in staying fit, and healthy.
~Safaria 🙂



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