Jessica Alba’s honest company shifting directions


Jessica Alba’s brand, The Honest Company, may be shifting into a different direction.

Golden Globe- nominated actress Jessica Alba founded the Honest Company in 2011. The company focuses on bringing products for babies and homes that are not only effective but are safe, eco-friendly and affordable.

According to Latina Magazine, the company is shifting into “sell mode”, after recognizing the current state of the stock market. This report comes right after the company was hit with lawsuits claiming the products contain a chemical compound that can be very harmful. The class action complaint was filed claiming the compound was found in the liquid laundry detergent, dish soap, multi-surface cleaner and other products. A few weeks later the company was sued for false advertisement of some of its products.

However, Jessica Alba obviously isn’t the only celebrity who own their own business. There are many celebrities who are self-proclaimed business owners, From Voli Vodka, owned by Fergie to Sejaa Pure Skincare by Gisele Bundchen. Many celebrities attempt to create successful businesses however most do not succeed.

Running a business can be very difficult and star power isn’t all that is needed into owning a successful business. According to Entrepreneur, there are various tips to have a successful business;

Company culture–  “For successful companies, culture is about attracting and hiring the people who would be most successful in that specific organization.”

Customer service – “Simply defined, customer service means taking care of your customers.”

Attitude– “As the owner of the company, you must have a positive attitude and accept 100 percent of the responsibility for the results of your business.”

Business strategy– “A complex strategy or business plan isn’t necessary to achieve success. A simple one-page document will do, but it should be well thought out and well executed.”

Discipline– “Discipline is all about executing the strategies.”

Risk– “Successful business owners aren’t afraid to take calculated risks with clear outcomes in mind.”

Marketing– “Effective marketing efforts perform different functions around unique selling environments.”

Work/life balance– “Successful business owners understand that every person has just 1,440 minutes in any given day and how they spend this time directly impacts how effective they’ll be in growing their businesses. Smart entrepreneurs successfully integrate their social lives into their business lives.”

As for Jessica Alba, The Honest Company hired Morgan Stanley and Goldman, Sachs & CO. to explore their options; ultimately the sources believe selling the company is the only option.  The company’s representatives claim the lawsuits have not hurt the company’s sales nor hurt the company’s image. Since the honest company tailors to baby and household products potential buyers include Johnson & Johnson, Colgate, and Unilever.


Amanda Rey 🙂



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