Salad to boost your immune


Sick. Tired. Sleepy. It’s Monday. Can we please hold off on the “womp effects” of a long weekend please. Aren’t we supposed to be living it up. I say yes and I’m sure most of you would agree. But we know it comes with a price. I’m sitting here debating what to feed the body. If you’re like me, then you start naming things that you need or think you need to feel better. Vitamin C, Vitamin B, etc etc. Take a quick glance at the fridge and see if it hits you.  Think about a salad to boost your immune system. A refreshing salad? Ok, but not just any salad, I’m leaning towards fish salad. What, you ask? I know it sounds crazy but let me take you on a health, heart, and penny saving pocketbook flight to a better you.
Check this out. Cod or pollock fish, kale and spinach leaves, cherry tomatoes, blackberries, avocado, and a hard boiled egg, and a tablespoon of olive oil and vinegar to taste. It seems like a lot, but this s a mega dose of goodness that will keep you content, not spike your sugar level, and feed your soul a consistent stream of nutrients.
Boil an egg, or if you have time, poach one. See previous Mancave episodes for poaching eggs perfectly. Boil salted cod for at least 10 minutes then rinse, a lot. Boil kale for 3 minutes. Spinach raw. The rest of the ingredients can be thrown in. Salad can be done in 10 minutes. Bam, Boom, Voila!

Let us know if you’ve created your own salad and if you’ve put your own twist on this recipe. Don’t forget to check out our unique blends of ingredients on previous posts. Keep choppin! or



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