Sharing the struggles in conceiving


Daytime talkshow host and rapper Eve opened up  about her struggles in conceiving. Rapper Eve has been married for quite some time to maximillion who has 4 children, however she hasn’t had Luck in baring her own children.  She recently shared on daytime talk show “the talk” that she had been previously struggling to have children.  “As a woman, you just think things happen naturally and I felt like I was damaged,” Eve said. “I felt like I was broken. I felt like, oh well maybe I’m not good enough.” She received an outpour of love from fans and viewers who share the same struggles.

One of the biggest things that we hear over and over again is that if you are struggling to get pregnant, the biggest thing you need to do is let go of stress. In most cases women and both men will linger on the fact that they cannot get pregnant at the moment. They focus so hard on not getting pregnant that the energy signals go out and they don’t get pregnant. Many Homiopathetic specialist  will often talk about losing the stressors and work on the chakras in the body to release the negative energy that is holding you back from conceiving.  Here are some things to keep in mind if you are going through the same things as rapper Eve.

  1.  Get rid of the pregnancy test, the sex planning, the upset over menstrual arrival. These are all things that will continue to make you stress in these circumstances.
  2.  Don’t be afraid to take a break if you need to. If it is not working then just take a break and switch gears. It is sad but most of the time women will get pregnant when they are likely not trying to.
  3.  Let your friends support you and be there for you. Yes it is hard to do so when they are not sharing the same struggle however they may be able to add some enlightenment on your situation.
  4.  Maybe it is time to seek therapy or yoga or whatever that form of meditation and relaxation is for you. Because ultimately it is all about self-care. Your body has to be willing and able to accept carrying and bearing one other human being.



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