Sale items for lunch


Good morning everyone! Thanks for coming back to receive a push start to your work week. The ManCave has been on the grind setting up new meals and putting our goals in perspective to ensure your goals and heart are satisfied.

Lately we’ve discovered further ideas on how to achieve the most from our purchase of foods in order to save cash in our pocketbooks. Well the simple answer is to cook for yourself, which is our main goal every week. Although the nitty gritty bottom line is to eat what you know you will finish in a reasonable amount of time. Don’t rush through a meal and if you finish quickly, use the 20 minute rule.Remember, you don’t need to over indulge at every meal. Depending on your lifestyle and goals, eating 3 square meals a day is fine. As the saying goes, eat like a Queen/King in the morning, Prince/Princess at lunch, and dinner like a pauper. Then again that is to maintain what are you currently at and are 100% satisfied. Its so simple, yet many times over looked.

Breakfast was too simple, so gets into what we have for lunch. I kept it quick and easy. Whole grains, protein, and a vegetable. That was too each and quick, yet that was the point. Whole grain (carb), protein, and vegetables. Rewind and repeat. Those are your staples to better health and a better you.

So enough with the cliffhangers. Today I picked up some really good on sale items for lunch that will carry me through to the next few days. Yes, I eat the same thing 2 to 3 days in a row most times for lunch. Its a meal prep thing.

Here goes:

Claw crab meat, lightly toasted Ezekiel bread, plain yogurt or sour cream, cilantro or chives, and steamed broccoli. Whole grain, protein, and vegetable.

Line the Ezekiel bread with plain yogurt (no added sugar), throw in cilantro or chives, and stuff that sandwich with crab meat. Squash! Broccoli on the side, unless you like that sorta thing in the sandwich, then more power to you! Bam, Boom, and Voila!

Lots of variations to this platter. You may add some hot sauce, mustard, why not some ketchup, or better yet, cocktail sauce. The possibilities are endless.Keep it fresh, make it fast, keep it interesting, and keep it possible, I hope this meal was enjoyable to you as it was for me. Until next week cave family!

Should you want to leave any comments or feedback, please do so and in the field below. And keep your heart, health, and pocketbook soul!



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