Ways to rejuvenate your body after working out


Rejuvenate Yourself After a Hard Work Out!

You leave the gym feeling pumped, excited and feeling like you can take on the world…you have exceeded your workout goal for the day! As you’re enjoying the rest of the day you start to notice your body feeling sore and restless and you’re wondering why. After your workout you went straight into the next task of the day…well you bathed of course…but after bathing you went straight to work without any kind of rejuvenation for your body. After you get your workout on in the gym, park or even at home, it is important to look for different ways to recover from your workout. A lot of times people think it’s ok to just exercise and not include a “cool down” or “recover” regimen  into their workout plan. In recent research I have discovered several ways to add some rejuvenating tactics into your plan to relieve the unwanted tension and make it an easy recovery in the long run.Here are some ways to rejuvenate your body after working out:

First things first, we have all heard this before, from grade school all through college…STRETCH! This is by far one of the most easiest, yet missed tasks that most people forget or just choose not to do. However, stretching is so essential when it comes to exercise. It provides muscle relief and soreness and gets your blood circulating. Make sure to stretch before and after your workout, it’ll make your feel ten times better throughout your day!

Next, drink plenty of fluids. Yes I know this one is a known fact as well, but you’ll be surprised at how many people don’t do it. It is recommended to drink H20, “Smart Water” is on the top of the list because of the electrolytes it has. Staying hydrated is always important because your body loses a lot of its fluids during your workout.

Moving right along with some Protein! It is a proven fact by health experts, you can’t properly heal your body after your workout without a sufficient amount of protein. Protein is the building block for your muscle, cells, tissues and organs, another reason why it’s so imperative to replenish during your rejuvenating stage. You can stop by your local Vitaminshoppe to get some tasty protein shakes. Don’t forget you can even create your own protein shake with fruits and veggies.

Spa time! Literally, this is by far the most relaxing part of rejuvenating. Getting a massage means so much more to your body than you think. After that hard workout your muscles become inflamed and they need to be smoothened out. This is where Spa Wellness comes into play. It is suggested that a light massage serves its purpose in recovering from your workout. It not only feels good, but it also helps circulate blood flow to sore areas.

Lastly…REST!!! We all love to sleep right? Well, after you’re done working it out, you owe yourself a good nights rest. With time comes healing, that’s just what is needed when it comes to recovering. Don’t become so emerged in working out that your forget to let your body rest and heal. Experts say allowing your body to rest gives it time to repair itself at a normal, steady pace.

So there you have it, 5 different ways to rejuvenate yourself after you put all that hard work on your body to stay fit! Stretch, hydrate, replenish, relax and rest!!! 


The Kimmy Nicole 🙂



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