Excuses affect your finances


Dog ate my Homework Again…


So you are one of those kinds of people. You are the one that always has an excuse for why you didn’t do what you were supposed to do. Lol!

Ok, so the dog ate my homework routine may work once… twice if you catch your grade school teacher on a really, really good day. However, in life making excuses for the things that we don’t do doesn’t buy us more time or another chance. Once the opportunity is missed it’s gone for good most times. This is the way life works.

So living a life without excuses is not just a cool catch phrase or slogan it actually should be a way of life for everyone. You live life without excuses and more things work out.

A huge aspect of living life without excuses affects your finances as well. When it comes to financial success making excuses here will hurt you the most.

There are certain steps that you must take to get to financial success and stop allow excuses to affect your finances. One given but unmentioned step is having one or more sources of income.

  1. Acquiring the right knowledge about finances
    1. If you have a destination in mind before you get in a car to take a trip is great but, if you get in the car without directions to your destination makes getting in the car and driving quite pointless. Driving around trying to find your destination will get you lost. When it comes to financial success it’s no different without the knowledge it’s like having a destination but no directions to get there. So proper knowledge, not just any knowledge, is key.
  2. Plan your way to success
    1. Needless to say… if you are doing anything major in your life you are going to need a great plan. If you want to be successful that is. Like our trip example working without a plan is just work and it doesn’t necessarily get you to where you want to be or get you to your end result.
  3. Learn from the best
    1. Human beings are innately very prideful creatures. That’s a great thing… except when your pride is based on ideas and beliefs that may not get you anywhere near success. A great Fix for this is having a coach or mentor. Someone that has the knowledge and experience to get you where you want to be.

So to recap, you have a limited amount of time on this big rock called Earth, Today is earth day by the way, and we have a limited amount of time to attain success. So don’t make excuses just go out there and do it because in the real world time wasted making excuses is time lost forever.

To get information on how to Register for a How Money Works Course, TIPS on money, Creating a budget, Saving, improving your Credit Score and ways to find out how you can get rid of your debt quickly, make additional income and get Financial Information and contact a Financial Coach leave a comment and we will be happy to help you.

Happy Friday!!

See you next week






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