Amazing tasting food or sweets


Oh…My…C.. as in C for Candy. Cupcakes, tootsie rolls, what the heck have I done. Kids or no kids, I think we all binged this weekend on candy. If your kids went out and you “inspected (ate) their candy” or you engorged in the leftover candy, or went in on far too many sweet shots at the house party, then it’s likely you’ve done did it and felt a little weary this morning.
Not to feel entirely terrible, but we’ve all been there and there is no shame in partaking in another Hallmark holiday.
So let me just tell you, I consider myself a pretty healthful kind of person, I’m not a huge sweets eating person. OK I’m a HUGE believer in having a sweet tooth, trust me my dentist will back me up. Although, I don’t buy sweets, they friggin come and find me and jump in my mouth, no just kidding. What’s will power again? Ha!
This is exactly how my mind works and what makes me feel better after such a weekend. I definitely go extra on dental hygiene for occasions like the aforementioned.
Secondly, I make sure I flush it out of my system. How do I do that you ask? Simple. With a simple function called fiber.

First off, did you know that if you’ve endulged in some amazing tasting food or sweets, you can get rid of it quickly before your body has had the chance to consume and store those types of foods in your body. Fiber is the “Bounty” for the body. By this I mean, it is the quicker-picker-upper. Eat something bad, grab some fruit or veggies high in fiber and it will flush it out of your system before your system has had the chance to absorb it all. Your heart will thank you.
What I did this morning was juiced myself an amazing green juice. It contained kale, spinach, ginger, green apple, beets, and celery. Now this can go many ways. The combination can be a factor to some, but isn’t really important except the mixture had enough fibery.
So what I’m saying is go grab yourself a fiber rich drink or eat a few pears, apples, pomegranates, so that you too can feel and look better. There’s no harm in trying and you’ll thank yourself later, plus it will save you from emptying your pocketbook on health expenses. Bam, Boom, and Voila!

Thanks again for stopping by and I hope your work week flies by. Until next week my Mancave crew.

Continue to leave your comments, suggestions and questions below. I look forward to replying to all of them.




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