Avoid over eating around holidays


Supposedly, we gain massive pounds during the holidays. Allegedly, tis true. Does that make sense?

If we all were to look way back over the course of say 5 years, if we can remember that far, you would notice a particular trend. Start with August. End of summer. Thought process is that it’s the end of summer and you start not giving a hoot as to what you eat because you want to enjoy the last of the warmth the sun has for us. Even though it’s hot until at least September these days. Then cooler weather dawns on us and we lay back a bit more and we “gavone” (Italian for gavone, jk, for eating everything) some more food, candy, sweets, etc. Now we get to Thanksgiving, then Christmas. If the extra padding from eating has been steady, then your weight hasnt, especially if you don’t pump iron. Guys, stay with me here. New years effin eve and those darn unrealistic expectations including the holy of all holy wishes to start the gym. Maybe binge on eating a bit better, following Mancave again, ha you know, and sacrificing those sweets. All this is done, trust me, or correct me of I’m wrong, but you won’t.  You count down the days until summer expecting your best body by May/June.. then by August you hit rewind and then play for that perfect Repeat. The year after make it a Three-peat and so on. Point is, when does it end.

  Door opens- in walks MANCAVE. It’s a double door, especially in CAPS, lol. A tap on the shoulder and you have a companion to get you through all of this with suggestions, examples, and common sense anecdotes. Use us to avoid over eating around the holidays. Eat well with us and treat yourself to the holiday feasts without feeling too guilty.

In light of the aforementioned, I present you with a full meal that will wet your taste buds, be great for the heart, is easy on the pocket book, and could be the start or continuation of your amazing health.

Simply, it’s a multi green salad, sweet potato, and salmon pattie with a peanut Asian sauce from Trader Joe’s. I’ve added super antioxidant blackberries and red grapes for a contrast, and finished off with cherry tomatoes.

Salmon patties from Trader Joe’s cooks in just 8 minutes from frozen. Salad which includes a bit of everything. Just be sure it is all dark leafy greens.
The sweet potato should be baked in the oven. Just poke some fork holes throughout the potatoe and set them in the oven at 425 degrees for 45 minutes. Do this for your potatoes and just make a bunch for future meals. They are simply a great food. If you need the potatoes in a jiffy, the shortcut to making sweet potatoes is to microwave them. I knowwwww, but hit them at 5-7 minutes on low or just 5 minutes at high. You don’t want them to overcook in the microwave as they will dry out.

Peanut Asian sauce is another Trader Joe’s find, but you can pick your own dressing.


Comment below as you see fit and hit us up with any questions or suggestions. We love hearing from you.



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